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This corpus is an evolving and expanding resource as more labs contribute datasets. See our step-by-step guide for information on how to convert your own datasets and them to the corpus, as well as tools for working with and analyzing existing datasets in the corpus. Links below go to the associated Dandiset on the dandiarchive.
Dataset | Dandi_id | Description | Lab | Number of worms | NeuroPAL | Activity | # Segmented neurons | # IDd neurons | Notes |
EY | 000541 | NeuroPAL Microfluidic Chip Images and GCaMP activity | Hobert lab - Columbia | 21 | Yes | Yes | 166-188 | 164-184 | Activity data used in Nejatbakhsh et al. 2020 |
HL | 000714 | NeuroPAL structural volumes | Lu lab - Georgia Tech | 10 | Yes | No | 113-125 | 58-69 | Data from Chaudhary et al. 2021 |
KK | 000692 | Whole-brain spontaneous activity in semi-restricted worms | Kimura lab - Nagoya City University | 9 | Yes | Yes | 149-163 | 149-163 | Tracking done using 3DeeCellTracker |
NP | 000715 | NeuroPAL reference images | Hobert lab - Columbia | 10 | Yes | No | 189-196 | 186-193 | Original reference dataset from NeuroPAL paper |
SF | 000776 | Whole-brain imaging in freely moving worms | Flavell lab - MIT | 38 | Yes | Yes | 64-114 | 25-90 | Data from Atanas et al. 2023 |
SK1 | 000565 | Whole-brain neural dynamics with single cell optical stimulation | Kato lab - UCSF | 20 | Yes | Some | 78-139 | 30-82 | Unpublished datasets from Kato lab |
SK2 | 000472 | NeuroPAL structural volumes and spontaneous activity | Kato lab - UCSF | 10 | Yes | Some | 166-180 | 36-63 | Unpublished datasets from Kato lab |
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